Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Use High Energy Mental Aerobics to Stay Mentally Fit

Studies by leading researchers into the reduction in memory loss and brain activity as the result of the aging process has shown that doing high energy mental aerobics considerably reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease in intellectually active people compared with their stagnant counterparts.

These activities can take many forms, cross-word puzzles, painting, reading, doing jigsaw puzzles, woodworking, playing board games are just a few ways in which to stay mentally active and healthy.

It has even been shown that people with mentally demanding positions such as managers etc. experience far less memory loss than those whose positions do not involve a great deal of mental activity.

A study by Dr. Joe Verghese and his associates at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York asked 469 older adults how often they participated in leisure activities such as dancing, playing cards or doing crosswords. They then tracked the memory loss of these people and found that those who were most mentally active had a 63 percent lower risk of developing dementia compared with those who rarely played board games or any other similar activity.

They found that people who did crosswords four times a week had a 47 percent lower risk of developing dementia than those who did them once a week. It translated into a fact that for each day of the week that people used their minds, there was a 10 percent lessening in the chances of them developing memory loss or full blown dementia.

So as you can see, just like we exercise our physical bodies to keep them young strong and supple, we do need to exercise our minds on a daily basis if we wish to reduce the effects of aging and avoid such debilitating diseases as Alzheimer's disease.

Make it a daily practice to do some form of Mental Aerobics and work out for your mind, as well as your body. By using high mental aerobics you will find that your memory, rather than deteriorating will in fact improve. Your mind is like your body, it needs a daily work out to keep it fit and healthy.

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