Saturday, July 7, 2012

Look at Your Astral Body - Feel Your Chakras and See Your Astral Body

Have you ever wondered where your astral body is when you're not astral traveling in it? Do you know what your astral form looks like? Can you imagine what it might feel like to reside in your astral body? Have you ever thought there might be some correlation between your chakras and your ethereal body? How can you see your astral form anyways? Can one look into an astral mirror?

Let's start with the last question first. How can you look at your astral body? There are astral mirrors but you don't really need to use one to see your astral physique. In fact, your astral eyesight is not constrained to your astral eyeballs. When astral projecting, your vision sense can originate from anywhere in the vicinity of your astral body. You can see your astral form from the outside simply by looking at yourself from without. But you have to be astral projecting to do that.

Have you ever thought there might be some correlation between your chakras and your astral body? Bingo! Your chakras are all part of your astral physique and that body is always with you. So that's really answered the question of where your astral essence is when you're not astral traveling in it? Your astral physique is inside of your physical body. Actually, the more accurate way to say that is that your astral body overlaps with your physical form.

Can you imagine what it might feel like to reside in your astral body? You already know that sensation because you are residing in your astral physique right now. Really, you will never quite know what it feels like to reside in your physical form because your astral body is you. I suppose I have to explain that one a little bit more.

You do know what your chakras are? They are centers of your subtle energies. If you concentrate on portions of your body, you can move this energy around and you can feel it. What you are actually feeling is your astral limbs moving but your actual physical body doesn't feel the energy shifting. If it did, reactions like gooseflesh would indicate where the subtle energy was flowing under your skin. Chakras are a function of your astral body and are felt only by your astral sensory system.

I have to qualify that last paragraph. The subtle energy of your ethereal body can affect your physical body but it is complex and extremely difficult to master.

Another question from my opening paragraph was - do you know what your astral body looks like? I did tell you that you can see it for yourself when you astral travel but there is another way you can get a look at your ethereal body. You can look at it with your imagination.

When you finish reading this article, I want you to close your eyes and feel for your chakras. Think about the energy centers you can feel and then mentally connect the dots like in a child's activity book. Flesh out the resulting stick figure with glowing white metallic skin. The picture you now have in your mind's eye is likely a very close resemblance of what your astral form looks like - because I know that you have seen your own astral body many times in your dreams. You just didn't realize that you were looking at your astral self at the time.

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