Friday, July 13, 2012

Conflict Of Ideas - Subjectivity Vs Objectivity (Fiction)

A little girl called her father, "Daddy, Daddy," and asked him, "Is it a bad thing to steal?" Her father, surprised at the question, hushed her, "Gosh! Darling, it is bad, very bad. It is a sin before God and a crime in the sight of man." "But Daddy," the little girl persisted, "If you happen to be very hungry and your means of getting food exhausted, then suddenly you stumbled on a basket of food dropped by someone, wouldn't you take the food?" The father turned and looked at the child, mouth wide agape in bewilderment. What could have prompted that little girl to ask such a paradoxical question? From general approach, the question is simple but it is not all that it seems. If you are to take a closer look at that question, you'll find out that it has a twist that cannot be straightened out so easily. How do we really view life? What is our approach to life? Our beliefs, ideas, principles and revolutions, are they based on our personal perception and feelings or are they rather based on true evidences of reality? How would you rather conceive the world we live in, in the subjective or objective sense? These are questions pertaining to our discernment and the reasons behind them. Before we go on, let's consider the following concepts in turn.

Subjectivity: this refers to the subject and his or her perspective, feelings, beliefs and desires. Subjectivity also refers to the specific discerning interpretations of any aspect of experience. It is a way of experiencing things from a personal viewpoint, these things experienced are unique to the person experiencing them and these experiences are based on personal consciousness. As humans and individuals, all theories and philosophies that dictate our understanding of science, art, literature and every concept we have about the universe is based on human and individual perspective. It is the judgment of issues and approach to the world that is rooted in personal conceptualism, influenced by one's emotions, feelings, rules, principles, beliefs, environment, what one thinks or feels is right and what is not. It is the experience and the perception of the world from within. On the other hand, objectivity refers to the concept of seeing the world exactly for what it is from a viewpoint free from human perception and its influences, human cultural interventions, past experience and expectation of the result.

Objectivity has to do with truths which are mind independent i.e. not based on the judgment of a conscious entity or subject. To be objective means to cultivate a distinctive scientific self wherein views are not based on personal perception as an individual but on laid out truth as a member of a scientific community. It pertains to the relationship of consciousness to existence. Now a conflict is born when these controversial questions are asked, "Are we to consider life from the subjective or objective sense? Can a totally subjective or objective viewpoint be achieved? Can each of these concepts exist independently, or do they need the existence of one another to function?"

I never finished my story about the little girl and the father. After moments of thoughtful hesitation, the father replied the child, "Honey, you can then term it to be providence. You can either wait for the person to return so as to gain permission or take a bit of the food and before leaving, drop a note explaining the reason for your action." Now that is a controversial case. Using the story above as a case study, there are two things involved; the existence of reality which is seen in the form of hunger and the consciousness of the person involved which is based on his moral disposition.

The situation is this; the man involved is torn between feeding his hunger as nature demands that he should and judging his action based on his moral beliefs. His action and opinion are controlled by his subjective sense, he is considering the situation from individuality based on his personal experience but that doesn't solve the reality of the hunger he is feeling. Now as to whether to view life from a completely subjective or objective sense, there is no known answer but one fact remains indefatigable and that is, these two concepts cannot be separated from each other. They actually co-exist. Without the existence of one, the other cannot function. For example, the life we live and everything in it all came through imagination and there is no how ideas from our mind would have been realized without reality itself. These concepts are self-conflicting and contradictory, the more you try to understand it, the more it gets you frustrated but in all these, for man to truly experience himself in the true sense, he should recognize the fact that his consciousness must acquire knowledge of reality. He should embrace the notion that truth is not automatically available to a human consciousness and can be obtained only by a certain mental process which is required of every man who seeks knowledge - that there is no substitute for this process, no escape from the responsibility for it. He should realize that man when it comes to knowledge decides what he chooses to do, according to what he has learned and his experience which therefore incapacitates him to look at life from the realistic viewpoint, however it is expedient for him to understand that he cannot create reality and can achieve his values only by making his decisions consonant with the facts of reality and also to always bear in mind that reality exists independent of one's perception of it. It is only then will he start experiencing the world in its uniqueness.

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Another 101 Reasons To Use Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave entrainment is a powerful audio and/or visual technology that stimulates the brain's wave frequencies by inducing specific brainwave patterns in a rhythmic and repetitive manner. As a natural response, the brain will mimic that pattern in what is called a frequency following response. Deliberate introduction of a stimulus can change the frequency of the brain, which in turn, changes the state of consciousness.

This process gives you the power to improve your life by changing how you think and feel. You are the one in control. With entrainment, you choose what you wish to experience.

Here is a list of another 101 reasons (in no particular order) to use brainwave entrainment as a personal development tool.

1. Increases the release of natural hormones like DHEA and melatonin.

2. Releases natural opiates like serotonin, endorphins, and natural morphine.

3. Improves memory.

4. Provides a strong, spiritual connection.

5. Easy to meditate with.

6. Experience a higher level of consciousness without much effort.

7. Helps you think outside the box.

8. Turns on your creativity.

9. Enhances sports performance.

10. NASA is using this technology to improve pilot flight performance.

11. Medical science uses it to help patients overcome paralysis by making new neural networks.

12. Relieves headaches: tension, migraine, vascular.

13. Wakes you up... digital caffeine.

14. Relieves aches.

15. Reverses the negative effects of stress on the body.

16. Helps you manifest your desires.

17. Enhances your sixth sense.

18. Takes you on mind voyages.

19. Can help you see beyond the veil.

20. Taps into "the other side".

21. Provides clarity and insight into problems.

22. Lets you experience spirit phenomena.

23. Puts you in touch with your spirit guides.

24. Helps you pray and connect with your angels.

25. Enhances healing.

26. Enhances distance healing.

27. Enhances reiki.

28. Enables remote viewing.

29. Raises your vibration to help you attract what you want.

30. Releases pleasurable feeling chemicals.

31. Promotes a feeling of oneness with all that is.

32. Helps you see auras.

33. Psychokinesis.

34. Astral projection.

35. Out of body.

36. Increases mental speed.

37. Helps you see what cannot be seen.

38. Increases sex drive.

39. Improves receptivity to hypnosis.

40. Helps you remember your dreams.

41. Lucid dreaming.

42. Past life recall.

43. Balances your hormones.

44. Triggers the body's natural endorphins to manage chronic pain.

45. Re-establishes a healthy sleep pattern.

46. Accelerates healing after injury or surgery.

47. Alleviates phobias.

48. Reduce symptoms of obsessive compulsion.

49. Reduces hoarding.

50. Changes how you emotionally react.

51. Great study aid.

52. Changes your psychological makeup.

53. Clears the mind.

54. Shamanic journeying.

55. Psychic ability.

56. Precognition.

57. Channeling.

58. Enhances tarot reading.

59. Increases behavioral flexibility.

60. Increases learning ability.

61. Improves mental health.

62. Triggers integrative experiences.

63. Expands consciousness.

64. Need less sleep.

65. Body becomes charged with new energy.

66. Expanded awareness.

67. Aids in exercising the brain.

68. Promising treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

69. Slows down or stops aging process.

70. Improves cardiovascular health.

71. Can help stabilize diabetes.

72. Enhances colors.

73. Structural brain changes in direct proportion to training (more grey matter.)

74. Induces empathy.

75. Clairvoyance.

76. Clairaudience.

77. Clairsentience.

78. High level of equanimity.

79. Can induce feelings of peace.

80. Can facilitate the mending of a broken heart.

81. Helps with the grieving process.

82. Can help build self-esteem.

83. Can help attract who or what you want, including prosperity.

84. Can reduce the "flight or fright" response.

85. Is an anti-depressant.

86. Can rejuvenate some organs.

87. Can ease PMS and Menopause symptoms.

88. Helps you retain information.

89. Lowers pain in labour and delivery.

90. Helps de-stress anxiety about death.

91. Can stop gambling cravings.

92. Helps with leadership skills.

93. Enhances all your senses.

94. Helps you connect to a dead loved one.

95. Stops the accumulation of fat around your middle.

96. Lowers your appetite.

97. Can bring back the color in your hair.

98. Can enhance an exercise routine.

99. Can help you read a crystal ball.

100. Relaxes muscles.

And 101. It works... it really does change how your brain thinks and feels.

So there you have it, another 101 reasons to use brainwave entrainment. There are as many benefits to brainwave entrainment as there are combinations of frequency patterns.

Brainwave entrainment is a cutting-edge personal development tool, available to everyone.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fond Memories or Life Influencing "Porky Pies"? Why Memories May Be an Unreliable Tale of Our Past

Have you ever wondered where your beliefs have come from or thought about the impact they have on your day-to-day life? It's said that we see the world not as it is but as we believe it to be. Our views develop over time based on our individual experiences - what we have seen, heard, done, been told and what we have read so they are unique for each one of us.

I've read that a detective gets suspicious if two witnesses have exactly the same recollection of what happened at a crime scene. He would expect the evidence to be slightly different because of the individual's view of the world and if they were the same, he might suspect collusion between the witnesses.

Our beliefs and our interpretation of events can affect how we feel, think and act - and can have a dramatic impact on what we achieve in life.

Let me explain what I mean by our interpretation of events. Have you ever heard your family talking about something that happened in your childhood and it is nothing like how you remembered it? It has certainly happened to me many times and I often wonder if I grew up in the same house as my siblings as our memories of childhood are so different. Let me share the "boiled bacon" story from my family.

I do not recall any specific incidents but have a general recollection of my parents being out working, leaving me to look after my younger siblings. I remember them mucking around while I was trying to get dinner finished so that I could wash up and get on with my homework. My younger sister likes to embarrass me by telling the story about me force-feeding her boiled bacon. It is an amusing tale for others, with me literally shoving food down her throat but it's not one I can relate too or remember. We were both there but have totally different memories that give a different slant and meaning to the events of our childhood. Those memories have no doubt shaped our beliefs and values in adult life - but which one is a true reflection of what actually happened?

Primo Michele Levi, an Italian Jewish writer, who spent a year as a prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp said that the human memory was marvellous but a "fallacious instrument" i.e. it lies to us! He wrote that our memories are not carved in stone; they are erased and changed as years go by and we add to our memories as we go along. Not surprising then that we often have different memories of historic events.

So my memories of being hard done by being left to babysit my siblings and my sister's memory of being force-fed are probably both false having been changed and added too over the last forty years. If we allow them too, these false memories could colour our values and beliefs and influence how we behave as adults. We need to take time to listen to our thoughts about the past and to question whether it was really like that - and if we can't be sure, to let the memories fade away.

Are you letting false memories influence your beliefs or values? Maybe its time to let them go and make sure they don't affect your current happiness or relationships.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Use High Energy Mental Aerobics to Stay Mentally Fit

Studies by leading researchers into the reduction in memory loss and brain activity as the result of the aging process has shown that doing high energy mental aerobics considerably reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease in intellectually active people compared with their stagnant counterparts.

These activities can take many forms, cross-word puzzles, painting, reading, doing jigsaw puzzles, woodworking, playing board games are just a few ways in which to stay mentally active and healthy.

It has even been shown that people with mentally demanding positions such as managers etc. experience far less memory loss than those whose positions do not involve a great deal of mental activity.

A study by Dr. Joe Verghese and his associates at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York asked 469 older adults how often they participated in leisure activities such as dancing, playing cards or doing crosswords. They then tracked the memory loss of these people and found that those who were most mentally active had a 63 percent lower risk of developing dementia compared with those who rarely played board games or any other similar activity.

They found that people who did crosswords four times a week had a 47 percent lower risk of developing dementia than those who did them once a week. It translated into a fact that for each day of the week that people used their minds, there was a 10 percent lessening in the chances of them developing memory loss or full blown dementia.

So as you can see, just like we exercise our physical bodies to keep them young strong and supple, we do need to exercise our minds on a daily basis if we wish to reduce the effects of aging and avoid such debilitating diseases as Alzheimer's disease.

Make it a daily practice to do some form of Mental Aerobics and work out for your mind, as well as your body. By using high mental aerobics you will find that your memory, rather than deteriorating will in fact improve. Your mind is like your body, it needs a daily work out to keep it fit and healthy.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Power of Your Internal Voice

I've written on a number of occasions about the importance of objectivity and fact-based decision-making. In managing your business, it's critical that you make decisions based, as much as possible, on the evidence. Intuition certainly has its place in decision-making, but it has to be appropriate - somewhere between the facts and the fantasy.

Most people believe they are capable of complete and total objectivity. If you're one of those people, I'm sorry to disappoint you with what follows.

Objectivity is informed by a flexible world-view. I believe that by mid-life, many people's world-views have become hard-wired and inflexible. For most of us at any rate, recognizing and accepting the desire or need to challenge our preconceptions is excruciating.

My purpose here is to briefly examine how one develops psychic schlerosis (hardening of the attitudes) and to recommend a few actions you can take to improve your level of objectivity.

How it Happens

Here's how the "hardening" process gets started, matures and then gets in our way: The learning we receive in our youth is essentially written on a blank slate; that's why early childhood development is the most profound. Kenneth Boulding from Michigan State University called this our "image." The earliest experiences become the foundation upon which later experiences build. As life progresses, in an effort to bring order to chaos, our minds have an increasing tendency to automatically edit out information and experiences that do not conform to our preconceptions. As we get older, this inclination becomes stronger and more insidious, because it happens subconsciously and automatically.

Cut to adulthood. That evaluation and editing process - the voice in our heads - goes on constantly. Virtually all of us hear the voice. It comments, assesses, speculates, judges, compares, contrasts, complains, rehearses and worries. It interprets input within the context of our personal image. To each of us our own image is factual, so when we are confronted with an opposing perspective, we view it as wrong. We cling to our own view point in a futile attempt to impose order and control and to ensure predictability and certainty in our lives.

Rewiring Your Perspective

Significant personal growth requires a regular confrontation with what I call the brutal truth. In the case of developing more objectivity, that includes:

• becoming aware that most often, unfortunately, we do not control our minds; our minds control us.

• accepting that we generally take action based upon our feelings, which evolve out of the compression of our perspective with the facts.

• examining our thinking as onlookers and evaluating our feelings and reactions in light of the facts.

• habitually and continuously short-circuiting our automatic responses and then, after honest assessment, producing more productive responses.

Approaches and tools are available to help us move closer to objectivity. It takes practice and patience. We have been conditioned to seek answers and cures that require little time and a minimum of effort or personal investment, so what I propose is a modest and manageable starting point.

When you are in a meeting listening to an interaction, draw a line down the center of a piece of paper. Over the left column write, "What was said." Over the right column write, "My initial reaction to what was said." During the meeting, jot down a few of the comments made by others (especially those that irritate you) and your mental reactions, precisely. At the end of the meeting, review each of the comments in the right column and ask yourself the following questions:

• Was my reaction based upon facts? If not:

• What was the source of my reaction? Could it be my personal beliefs?

• Could I have reached another, plausible conclusion? What is it?

• What other incidents in my personal and business life have compelled feelings that grow from beliefs that may not comport with the facts?

For one month, every time you get frustrated or lose your temper, go through the process of documenting what went on in your mind to stimulate your response. Over time, begin to short-circuit your automatic responses.

The implications of this stimulus/response work are profound: better personal and business decisions, fewer impulse control problems and potentially better emotional and organizational health.

Copyright 2012 Rand Golletz. All rights reserved.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Look at Your Astral Body - Feel Your Chakras and See Your Astral Body

Have you ever wondered where your astral body is when you're not astral traveling in it? Do you know what your astral form looks like? Can you imagine what it might feel like to reside in your astral body? Have you ever thought there might be some correlation between your chakras and your ethereal body? How can you see your astral form anyways? Can one look into an astral mirror?

Let's start with the last question first. How can you look at your astral body? There are astral mirrors but you don't really need to use one to see your astral physique. In fact, your astral eyesight is not constrained to your astral eyeballs. When astral projecting, your vision sense can originate from anywhere in the vicinity of your astral body. You can see your astral form from the outside simply by looking at yourself from without. But you have to be astral projecting to do that.

Have you ever thought there might be some correlation between your chakras and your astral body? Bingo! Your chakras are all part of your astral physique and that body is always with you. So that's really answered the question of where your astral essence is when you're not astral traveling in it? Your astral physique is inside of your physical body. Actually, the more accurate way to say that is that your astral body overlaps with your physical form.

Can you imagine what it might feel like to reside in your astral body? You already know that sensation because you are residing in your astral physique right now. Really, you will never quite know what it feels like to reside in your physical form because your astral body is you. I suppose I have to explain that one a little bit more.

You do know what your chakras are? They are centers of your subtle energies. If you concentrate on portions of your body, you can move this energy around and you can feel it. What you are actually feeling is your astral limbs moving but your actual physical body doesn't feel the energy shifting. If it did, reactions like gooseflesh would indicate where the subtle energy was flowing under your skin. Chakras are a function of your astral body and are felt only by your astral sensory system.

I have to qualify that last paragraph. The subtle energy of your ethereal body can affect your physical body but it is complex and extremely difficult to master.

Another question from my opening paragraph was - do you know what your astral body looks like? I did tell you that you can see it for yourself when you astral travel but there is another way you can get a look at your ethereal body. You can look at it with your imagination.

When you finish reading this article, I want you to close your eyes and feel for your chakras. Think about the energy centers you can feel and then mentally connect the dots like in a child's activity book. Flesh out the resulting stick figure with glowing white metallic skin. The picture you now have in your mind's eye is likely a very close resemblance of what your astral form looks like - because I know that you have seen your own astral body many times in your dreams. You just didn't realize that you were looking at your astral self at the time.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING.